Icicle #52 – Glass Sex Toy Review

I have a thing for tentacles. Don’t know why, and I try not to over analyse.  

Enter Icicle #52. This could be fun.  

Material: Glass. A little cold at first, but easy clean up and very attractive 

Visual/design: Very attractive. The business end is a sleek mod vision of what a tentacle might be (complete with crosshatches to just suggest suckers) while the back end swirls into a handle. Streamlined, well thought through. 

Experiences tested: Solo, vaginal and anal 


Vaginal: The texture was also just enough to be pleasant without rubbing me raw, and the curve was perfect for my high-sitting g-spot. I thought the smallness of the tip would be a downside (I tend to rely a bit on the bull-in-china-shop method when addressing my g-spot), but the design of the handle gave me so much control that I could direct it where it needed to go without being a yoga master.  

Anal: In my experience, while the prostate is a wonderful thing, most people’s butts are really sensitive around the sphincter, making the texture on this guy absolutely perfect. The only criticism I would venture is that, despite the fact that the curve will give you good control while prostate-hunting, the fact that the toy gets steadily thicker as you go up means that a butthole that doesn’t stretch very far might mean you can’t reach the good stuff. Personally, I was comfortably stretched after inserting only about three inches, but I’m only intermediately skilled in butt stuff.  


If you want something with the same idea but more girth and bumps and ridges, you might look at Icicles #24 (Buy It Here From The Company That Makes It) ; you’ll lose the curve that I liked so well, but it definitely looks more… monster-y. But if you’re OK with just a good insertable, this guy has excellent shape, good texture, good design, and is made from good material. Definitely recommended as a nice addition to your collection.